
Photography SEO Expert | Ann Losinski

Ann Losinski

Why “Ranking My Homepage on Page 1 of Google” Shouldn’t Be Your Main SEO Goal

SEO is one of the top ways to get your business to get traffic organically, without having to pay for ads.  There is a common misconception, however, is that getting your home page to the top of Google should be your highest priority. While you should determine a keyword to target for your homepage and …

Why “Ranking My Homepage on Page 1 of Google” Shouldn’t Be Your Main SEO Goal Read More »

How to Use Cloudspot for Photography Mini Sessions

Cloudspot Mini Sessions Recently, Cloudspot has entered the CRM market with the addition of their CloudSpot Studio. This is exciting for photographers because this will allow those who host their galleries with CloudSpot to also facilitate their client management.  One of the key features that CloudSpot introduced with their studio is their Mini Session scheduler. …

How to Use Cloudspot for Photography Mini Sessions Read More »