
Photography Dubsado Expert | Ann Losinski

SEO Monthly Management for Female Entrepreneurs

Monthly Management to help you continue your SEO goals.

You have your basics set up, and are ready to take it to the next level. SEO is a long term game, and with monthly support, you will be able to continue to get more traffic to your website. 

Breakdown of Management

SEO Monthly Management Includes:

Monthly Summary

Each month, you will receive a summary of where you are ranking and how your rankings have improved over the last 30 days.

Two 500 Word SEO Blog Posts

These blog posts are written with optimized keywords in mind. These posts are 500 words each and are intended to bring new, fresh content and traffic to your site.

Scanning For Issues and Implementing Small Fixes

While on a monthly retainer, we will scan your website weekly for issues that might come up and fix them such as broken links, mobile usability issues, etc.

Why go with a Monthly Retainer?

A monthly retainer with me is the best way to build upon your SEO strategy, get consistent content out, and drive more traffic to your website. 

It feels good to just have it “done” and not have to worry ever again about if your blog posts will be published on time. 

Need some inspiration to Get started with your SEO?

Here are some helpful Blogs!

Why “Ranking My Homepage on Page 1 of Google” Shouldn’t Be Your Main SEO Goal

SEO is one of the top ways to get your business to get traffic organically, without having to pay for ads.  There is a common misconception, however, is that getting your home page to the top of Google should be your highest priority.

What Size Should Images Be On Your Website

When working on getting your site’s SEO up to day, there are many factors to consider.  One of the biggest issues I see with many websites is having images that are too large.  Having images that haven’t properly been compressed for your website can cause your site to load slowly, thus increasing your bounce rate. 

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Dubsado Form as a Website

There is a growing trend among business owners to use Dubsado forms (or similar) as their website.  The thought process is that if they have a nice looking landing page that they can funnel clients to, why pay for a secondary place to show similar information?


Wondering if an assessment is right for you? Here are some frequently asked questions! 

Monthly management is a commitment of six months.  As SEO takes time, this commitment is to ensure that we have time to properly get you results. 

Due to the unpredictable nature of SEO, I do not guarantee any results. I do guarantee that we will work to build you the most optimized content we can, to increase your chances of ranking on Google. 

When measuring results, I use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and SEMRush to monitor your progress and results.

Monthly Packages Start at $400. Inquire now to learn more.