
Photography SEO Expert | Ann Losinski

SEO Assessment for Female Entrepreneurs

Your first step on your SEO journey.

A SEO assessment is different than an audit. During your assessment, I give you a birds-eye view of where you are currently ranking, and the basics of how you can improve.

Breakdown of Assessments

SEO Assessments are comprised of four parts:

Analytics Review

During our analytics review, we will ensure that Google Analytics and Google Search Console are set up correctly, and we will gather information about how your website is currently performing from there.

60 Minute Call

During this 60 minute call, we go through our findings from the Analytics review, help you set a tangible goal (as described in the next step) and answer any other basic SEO questions.

Goal Setting

Based on what we find during our analytics review, we can help you to set a tangible SEO goal to work towards. This can be as simple as getting more backlinks to your site, or something more broad as developing more content to boost your rankings.


Finally, after the call, we will help to craft a personalized roadmap with steps toward that goal. We will help you to plan out your next steps to get more clicks or more authority in your site.

Why SEO Assessments are a Good Place to Start...

An SEO Assessment is a cost-effective way to get started implementing SEO on your Website. It ensures you are capturing data correctly, shows you how to read that data, and gives you a tangible SEO goal to work toward.

Even if you aren’t tech-savvy, this is the most approachable way to get started with you SEO.

Need some inspiration to Get started with your SEO?

Here are some helpful Blogs!

Why “Ranking My Homepage on Page 1 of Google” Shouldn’t Be Your Main SEO Goal

SEO is one of the top ways to get your business to get traffic organically, without having to pay for ads.  There is a common misconception, however, is that getting your home page to the top of Google should be your highest priority.

What Size Should Images Be On Your Website

When working on getting your site’s SEO up to day, there are many factors to consider.  One of the biggest issues I see with many websites is having images that are too large.  Having images that haven’t properly been compressed for your website can cause your site to load slowly, thus increasing your bounce rate. 

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Dubsado Form as a Website

There is a growing trend among business owners to use Dubsado forms (or similar) as their website.  The thought process is that if they have a nice looking landing page that they can funnel clients to, why pay for a secondary place to show similar information?


Wondering if an assessment is right for you? Here are some frequently asked questions! 

The time commitment on your end for an assessment is minimal.  Plan for one hour on the call. The time you spend implementing the road map after everything is done is up to you and how quickly you would like to reach your SEO goal.

During your assessment, you will receive a 60 minute 1-1 call going through your website and talking about your current standing with Google. I will answer basic SEO questions and help you craft a tangible SEO goal that makes sense for you and your business.

If you do not have Google Analytics or Google Search Console set up on your website, it is recommended to get both set up for at least a month prior to your call to get the most benefit from it. 

Ready to Change Your Business For The Better? Assessments start at $199. Fill out the form below and let's get started!