Photography Dubsado Expert | Ann Losinski

How to Use Dubsado For Bridal Shows

Bridal Shows With Dubsado

Bridal shows are a way that you can get many leads for your business in a short amount of time. But it is critical for you to be able to follow up with those leads as quickly and as efficiently as possible so that you have the best chance at booking those couples that choose to have you reach out for more information. Here is how I recommend that you set up your Dubsado to handle the heavy volume of the bridal show for maximum efficiency. 

Step 1 - Set up a Bridal Show Specific Lead Capture Form

Set up a new lead capture form inside your Dubsado account. This is going to allow you to gather information quickly, and all the information that you need in order to know if you have the ability as well as if the client is a good fit for you to move forward with. I recommend keeping it simple so that people can easily fill it out without taking too much time. Some things that I recommend gathering on this form:

  • First and Last names of both parties
  • Date of the wedding
  •  Venue/ Location
  • What they are most excited about/Any other comments
Capturing this information can allow you to refer the lead to another photographer in your area should you already be booked for the day. Be sure to use mapped fields to map each of these to the clients’ projects. Feel free to style this form however you like to match your brand! 

Step 2 - Create a redirect to allow the form to refresh automatically

Now that we have the form created, we want to create a redirect that will allow the form to refresh automatically without us having to manually do this after each entry. Under the share option, locate the direct link and copy it to your clipboard:

Next, click the gear icon to access the settings of the form, and paste the link you just copied into the Redirect URL box. Your form will now automatically reload after each submission! You can also take this time to select the project status as well as what the new projects will be named on this menu.

Step 3 - Create a Workflow to Follow Up With Leads

I recommend a workflow that is similar to your normal lead one, but modified to be specific to the bridal show. You will most likely get leads for dates you already have booked or multiple inquiries for the same date, so we want to keep that in mind when crafting our workflows. 

Workflows very depending on your unique process, but here is an example workflow that you could use:

All you have to do now is attach this workflow into the settings of your lead capture form, and you now have a functioning system to streamline booking for your bridal show!

Don’t forget to go in after and check off the to-dos to keep the workflows going where you are 

A Couple of Tips:

Don’t forget to go in after and check off the to-dos to keep the workflows going! Remember, since Dubsado can’t tell if you are booked for a certain day before it starts a workflow, it’s important to keep the to-dos as part of the workflow.

Another way that you can continue to streamline is to write up a canned email to send to those who you are not able to accommodate based on already being booked for their date. 

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